So I was talking to Bryce, one of my performers, yesterday and he shared with me a fun little bit he does with a group of children while performing. Now I'm not going to give it away, since its his idea, and I wouldn't want to spoil it for any of you future birthday party clients. But the premise of what he does is let the children in on a secret part of Jedi training that only true paduans know about. And when he does this, the children get very excited. Because they get to be part of something special and unusual!
Children like to know things that others, especially adults, don't know. As a family entertainer, I know that to get a laugh out of a group of children, I simply need to pretend that I don't know something that they don't. For example, when the wand breaks, I don't notice. The kids do. AND they know I don't know, which makes it even funnier for them.

Jim Manning
Birthday Party Expert, Celebration Coach, National Family Speaker
866-33-JUNGLE (toll free)
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