Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Its a Jungle new year!

Can you believe its 2009? I can't! I'm so excited for this year. Jungle Jim's is now celebrating its 5th anniversary in business. Its hard to believe I've been doing this for five years. I've had a lot of help, but none more so than my wonderful girlfriend, Sonya. I wouldn't be half as far without her.

I'll be honest with you, all this talk about the economy has me baffled. All I see around me is opportunity to deliver some great entertainment. I may be naive or too optimistic, but now seems like a great opportunity to really refine my message and let people know about the 5 different aspects of Jungle Jim's.

Next week I fly to Las Vegas to study with Jeff McBride, a world famous magician and entertainer's coach. Thanks to Todd Neufeld and Don Caldwell, two bigs in the balloon industry, Jeff is offering a master class for balloon artists. This is the third and final year of the class, and I'm just grateful to be a part of it. Swifty, my balloon mentor, took this class two years ago, and I know the impact it had on him and his performances. On top of that, you get the extra bonus of all the other artists participating in your feedback, and you see what they have to offer as well. There will only be a few of us. I'm a little surprised more people aren't taking advantage of this opportunity. I'm pretty stoked though.

I've been thinking of my goals for the year. One of the big ones is to write the first three chapters of my book on family entertainment. I plan on taking my experiences and others and combining them into a in-depth look of the life of a family entertainer. Its a book I feel needs to be written, and I'm excited to put down on paper all of the different experiences and stories I've accumulated in five years of business.

Well, I'm off to write some proposals. Have a great 2009!